The Honey House

Nathan Ooms

Honey House Anne Van Aerschot 4197
  • Fri 28.01 – 20:00 – CAMPO nieuwpoort
  • Sat 29.01 – 17:00 – CAMPO nieuwpoort

No pain, no gain?

In The Honey House five per­for­mers unfold a ran­ge of acti­ons and gestu­res that emer­ge from a con­text charac­te­ri­zed by com­pe­ti­ti­on, self-enhan­ce­ment and con­stant time pres­su­re. The con­tem­po­ra­ry moment is mar­ked by mixed fee­lings: shock­ed but bored, ambi­tious but cyni­cal, high­ly con­nec­ted but mise­ra­bly indi­vi­du­al, tire­less but exhau­sted. The pro­mi­se of the good life func­ti­ons as a gym wit­hout exit; gain and pain suc­ceed one ano­ther in an ever-acce­le­ra­ting loop of inten­si­ty. What kind of bodies, sub­jec­ti­vi­ties and rela­ti­ons­hips does this pro­du­ce? And how could we resist them?


by & with: Mooni Van Tichel, Tess Hall, Lydia Mcglinchey, Anna Franziska Jäger, Nathan Ooms — con­cept: Nathan Ooms — men­tor: Bojana Cvejić ligh­ting — design: Steven Brys — resi­den­cies: Peeping Tom, Zaman — cre­a­ted within: the fra­me­work of the mas­ter pro­gram­me STUDIOS at P.A.R.T.S.