
Lara Staal & NTGent

IMG 7376 druk c Michiel Devijver
  • Wed 12.01 – 18:30 – NTGent Minnemeers
  • Thu 13.01 – 20:00 – NTGent Minnemeers
  • Fri 14.01 – 20:00 – NTGent Minnemeers
  • Sat 15.01 – 17:00 – NTGent Minnemeers

What does qua­li­ta­ti­ve edu­ca­ti­on mean?

Five ado­les­cents known at school as trou­ble­ma­kers” turn the tables and start tea­ching the audien­ce. They won­der if a tea­cher can be more than a conduit of know­led­ge. They ask them­sel­ves whe­ther uncon­scious racism at school still deter­mi­nes who gets oppor­tu­ni­ties and who doesn’t. And ques­ti­on which socie­tal expecta­ti­ons are reflec­ted in cur­rent school rules. 

They are experts in pro­vo­king the ruling autho­ri­ty. But this time they are the ones tea­ching. What does it mean to always be the excep­ti­on? What do we learn from what doe­sn’t suit us? 

Dissident is a mix of live acting and docu­men­ta­ry film mate­ri­al in which parents, tea­chers, youth wor­kers and the school are also invol­ved. Slowly, the sta­ge trans­forms into the sanc­tu­a­ry the young peo­p­le so dee­ply long for.


con­cept: Lara Staal - cast: Haroun Couvreur — Seppe Jacobs — Siham Lamrini — Isaac Van Weyenberg — Eliaz Bello Medrano — Serdi Faki Alici — dra­ma­tur­gy: Eline Banken — per­for­man­ce, coa­ching & music: Serdi Faki Alici — play­coach: Laurens Aneca — set­de­sign: Grischa Runge — video­de­sign: Pascal Poissonnier — direc­ti­on assis­tant: Katelijne Laevens — pro­duc­ti­on- & tour­ma­na­ger: Els Jacxsens, Klaas Lievens — tou­ras­sis­tent & sub­tit­les: Eline Banken — tech­ni­cal pro­duc­ti­on mana­ge­ment: Raf Willems — tech­ni­col sup­port: Laurent Liefooghe, Sander Michiels — public coo­p­e­ra­ti­on: Dirk Crommelinck, Saartje Cauwenbergh — sta­ge direc­ti­on assis­tent: Juno Kapur — with the sup­port of The Belgian Tax Shelter