Disappearing - a passion (CANCELLED)

Tari Doris, Meri Ekola & Kid Kokko

2 Disappearing middle Lada Suomenrinne CRED

Unfortunately we have to can­cel this performance.

A per­for­man­ce con­cert fil­led with light, sound & text

This is a per­for­man­ce con­cert. This is a light con­cert, a sound con­cert, a text con­cert and an organ con­cert. This is a pas­si­on and a dis­ap­pe­a­ran­ce. This is also some­thing else. This is all the time also some­thing else. Suddenly: so sad. Suddenly: so light. Suddenly: so pos­si­ble. Suddenly: so ordi­na­ry. Let’s go!

Disappearing — a pas­si­on’ is a new pie­ce by per­for­man­ce artists Tari Doris and Kid Kokko, in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with light desig­ner Meri Ekola. The kind of spa­ce the per­for­man­ce cre­a­tes is as impor­tant to them as the kind of things the per­for­man­ce makes spa­ce for. Tari Doris (they/​them) is inte­rested in a.o. invi­si­bi­li­ty, non-bina­ry thin­king and exis­ten­ce. Kid Kokko (they/​them) is inte­rested in a.o. fra­gi­le struc­tu­res, jus­ti­ce, sur­vi­val and trans­con­ti­nua. Meri Ekola explo­res the bor­der­lands bet­ween light and dark, what is bet­ween them and exis­ting in them.


wor­king group: Tari Doris (sound), Meri Ekola (light) & Kid Kokko (text, per­for­ming & over­all res­pon­si­bi­li­ty) — with: E. L. Karhu (dra­ma­turg), Anna-Mari Karvonen (per­for­man­ce dra­ma­turg) & H Ouramo (trans­la­tor) — pro­duc­ti­on: The Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux — sup­port pro­duc­ti­on: Arts Promotion Center, Kone Foundation — A I S T I T / coming to our sen­ses sup­por­ters: Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Niilo Helander Foundation, Ministry of Education and Culture, Saastamoinen Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation & Svenska kul­tur­fon­d­en — in the fra­me of: GIF, a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween Voo?uit, CAMPO, KOPERGIETERY, NTGent, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen & S.M.A.K.

This per­for­man­ce pie­ce is part of A I S T I T / coming to our sen­ses, an evol­ving one-year pro­gram­me of exhi­bi­ti­ons and per­for­man­ces taking pla­ce in five European cities from March 2021 to mid-2022 by The Finnish Institutes in the Benelux, France, Germany, and the UK and Ireland.