A Plea for Suicide

Jozefien Mombaerts

Web Pleidooizelfmoordc Sassafras De Bruyn
  • Wed 19.01 – 20:00 – KOPERGIETERY RABOT
  • Sat 22.01 – 15:00 – KOPERGIETERY RABOT
  • Sat 22.01 – 20:00 – KOPERGIETERY RABOT

A grip­ping mono­lo­gue about life and a self-cho­sen death

A Plea for Suicide’ is a ten­der and sin­ce­re mono­lo­gue about a deli­ca­te sub­ject. Theatre-maker Jozefien Mombaerts won­ders how self-cho­sen’ sui­ci­de actu­al­ly is within a soci­e­ty that keeps loo­king away. With a cer­tain ligh­t­hear­ted­ness, she shows that life’s fatigue and lust for life are not mutu­al­ly exclu­si­ve and opens up the unmen­ti­o­na­ble to discussion.

**** The humour is some­ti­mes wry, but by pul­ling you out of your com­fort zone, Mombaerts (in com­bi­na­ti­on with live music by Joeri Cnapelinckx) also mana­ges to touch you at unex­pec­ted moments.” HET NIEUWSBLAD, M. Degrande

**** Mombaerts tries in her solo with the gre­a­test pos­si­ble ten­der­ness to do just that: to ask for under­stan­ding for peo­p­le who are con­si­de­ring to step out of life. (…) That’s what this pie­ce is: a plea for us — as indi­vi­du­als and as a soci­e­ty — to real­ly lis­ten to and talk about sui­ci­dal thoughts. It is a soft­ly sung ode to the tire­less attempt to keep on living (and sur­vi­ving). KNACK Focus, E. Van Steenberghe


The per­for­man­ce is not suit­able for young peo­p­le under the age of 16. This per­for­man­ce may con­tain offen­si­ve sce­nes. Do you need a con­ver­sa­ti­on? Then you can con­tact the Suicide Line on the num­ber 1813 or via www​.zelf​moord​lijn1813​.be


text & play: Jozefien Mombaerts — music: Joeri Cnapelinckx — dra­ma­tur­gy: Cindy Godefroi — sce­no­grap­hy: Veva Van Sloun — cos­tu­me: Marij de Brabandere — light: Jeroen Doise — sound: Jonas De Wulf & Saul Mombaerts — tech­ni­cal: Jonas De Wulf & Sebastien Van Huffel — pro­duc­ti­on: Polien Demeulemeester — KOPERGIETERY & KGbe — as part of: GIF — a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with: De Grote Post, Voo?uit, CAMPO, KOPERGIETERY, NTGent, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen & S.M.A.K