Losers get Lost

Dominique Collet, Matthias Velle & Johannes Verschaeve

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  • Fri 28.01 – 20:00 – KOPERGIETERY
  • Sat 29.01 – 20:00 – KOPERGIETERY
  • Sun 30.01 – 20:00 – KOPERGIETERY

A musi­cal and ver­bal jam ses­si­on bet­ween sor­row and bliss.

Losers get Lost’ is an ode to fai­lu­re, becau­se not eve­ry­o­ne who gets lost is a loser. Inspired by the blues and Greek tra­ge­dies, the per­for­mers cele­bra­te tthe stri­ving and stum­bling man. Grab your chan­ce! Realise your dream! Today you are a top doc­tor, tomor­row mas­ter chef. But what if suc­cess is not within reach?


con­cept & direc­ti­on: Dominique Collet & Matthias Velle — play: Colette Goossens, Oriana Mangala Ikomo Wanga, Felix Meyer, Johannes Verschaeve — text excerpts: Peter Verhelst — music: Johannes Verschaeve — decor & sce­no­grap­hy: Ruimtevaarders — cos­tu­me & props: Cecile De Mul — pro­duc­ti­on: KOPERGIETERY & KGbe — as part of: GIF, a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Voo?uit, CAMPO, KOPERGIETERY, NTGent, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen & S.M.A.K.